Forecasting Model of Market Movement using Markov Process

KEYWORDS: SciPy, Matplotlib, Markov Process Code

  • Utilized Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics to determine the best fit distribution for daily return.

  • Generated random variables from t-distribution to simulate fluctuation and volatility of Bitcoin's price.

  • Run the simulation 100 times and plotted the result.

Isolation of Macroeconomic Effects from Price Movement

KEYWORDS: Statistical Analysis Code

  • Proposed a simple yet effective way for price analysis, visualized the progression of statistical values over time.

  • Demonstrated this approach using real world data and conformed with existing observations.

Replication of Residual Network on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 Dataset

KEYWORDS: PyTorch, ResNet, Deep Learning Repository

  • Architecture (CIFAR-10): 34-layers plain + shortcuts each 2 layers.

  • Architecture (CIFAR-100): 101-layers plain + shortcuts each 3 layers.

  • 21M parameters for ResNet34; 44M parameters for ResNet101.

  • Achieved 95.40% accuracy on CIFAR-10 test dataset and 77.80% accuracy on CIFAR-100 test dataset.

Convolutional Neural Network for MNIST Dataset

KEYWORDS: PyTorch, ConvNet, Machine Learning Repository

  • Architecture: Conv(16 channels, 3x3 kernel) x Conv(32 channels, 3x3 kernel) x Linear(800) x Linear(128). Activation: ReLU.

  • Accelerated the training process by enabling CUDA on RTX-3060 (12GB) and GTX-1060 (6GB).

  • Achieved 98.32% accuracy on the test dataset.

  • Implemented an interactive number recognizing process through MS Paint.

Quantitative Analysis of Cryptocurrency Market

KEYWORDS: R, Regression, DBSCAN General   Categorical

  • Determined distribution of trading volume and market capitalization by applying logarithmic transformation.

  • Visualized market movement from different dimensionality by treating discrete snapshots as time series.

  • Used DBSCAN to cluster data points and identify outliers.

Extraction Tool for Stock and Cryptocurrency Market

KEYWORDS: Python, pandas, selenium, requests

CMCScan v1.0   Releases

  • Use API Key to access the latest listing for all the coins on CoinMarketCap

GeckoScan v1.3   Repository

  • Daily snapshot for 10000 coins or tokens listed on CoinGecko.

  • Historical .csv data up to 2013 for ~25000 coins or tokens.

TradeScan v1.22   Repository

  • Daily snapshot for 5000 US stocks, 2000 Canadian stocks, 5000 Chinese stocks, and 1000 Hong Kong stocks listed on TradingView.

  • Quarterly and yearly reports for all the stocks mentioned above.