Honours B.S. in Mathematics with High Distinction — Trinity College

September 2019 - June 2023

  • Mathematics & Its Applications Specialist (Probability/Statistics)

  • Overall GPA: 3.6/4.0 | 2023, 2022, 2021 Dean's List

  • Relevant Coursework (Mathematics)

    • APM462 Nonlinear Optimization - Notes

    • MAT334 Complex Variables

    • MAT337 Intro to Real Analysis

    • MAT315 Intro to Number Theory - Notes

    • MAT301 Groups & Symmetry

  • Relevant Coursework (Statistics)

    • STA457 Time Series Analysis - Notes

    • STA437 Methods of Multivariate Data - Notes

    • STA347 Probability Theory - Notes

    • STA302 Methods of Data Analysis

Multivariate Regression Analysis on Infant Mortality Rate in India

KEYWORDS: R, Regression Paper   Code

  • This was a STA302 course project during my undergraduate studies at University of Toronto.

  • Used Annual Health Survey (AHS) from 2012 to 2013 to check whether instituional delivery has an impact on infant mortality rate in India.

  • Independently designed an univariate and a multivariate model to validate the assumption.

University of Toronto Anime Comic and Game

Registered Student Organization

November 2021 — Janurary 2023: President, Executive Member

February 2021 — October 2021: Chair of Finance, Executive Member

October 2019 — Janurary 2021: Finance Associate

Responsibility & Achievement as President

  • Led an executive committee of 12; distributed tasks among six sub-divisions of 50 internal members.

  • Generated revenue of $33000 and achieved a net profit of $2200 for the student club.

  • Contributed to the success of several club events; presented a Lunar New Year Gala where club dancers and singers performed for an audience of 200.

Duty & Responsibility as Chair of Finance

  • Lead discussions in pricing analysis, selecting the most lucrative pricing strategy based on the club's financial status.

  • Facilitated seamless procurement of merchandise, establishing effective communication channels with merchants and placing orders for keychains, badges, and postcards.

Duty & Responsibility as General Member

  • Responsible for prime membership management.

  • Monitered and validated tickets at club events, ensuring a seamless entry experience for attendees.